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Burse Erasmus+ în Spania, termen de aplicare: 7 octombrie 2024

Publicat: 11.09.2024

The University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, offers two scholarships for bachelor (undergraduate), PhD and masters students at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy within the Erasmus+ Program.

The scholarship has a duration of 5 months and can be carried out during the next periods semesters.

The language requirements for students: B1 level of Spanish for all the Degrees, because classes are taught in Spanish.

Bachelor students:

There is an exception for the following Degrees, that can accept students with B1 level of English (only these 3 Degrees):

Complete offer here.

PhD students:

They need either B1 Spanish or B1 English.

Complete offer here.

Master students:

Please take into account that they need a B1 level of Spanish for all the Masters, because classes are mostly taught in Spanish.

There are 3 Masters that can accept students with B1 level of English (only these 3 Masters):

There is one Master in which classes are taught in Spanish or Galician, but they have support in English for students who aren’t fluent in Spanish: they can do the presentations and projects in English, and the tutorships are in English:

Complete offer here.

Erasmus+ KA171 Scholarships

The payment will be done once the student arrives to USC at the beginning of each month.

  • Grant for incoming students: 850 €/month x 5 months
  • Beneficiaries are responsible for contracting their travel arrangements, insurance and visa expenses.
For application follow this link -

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